3+ Players 25 € Price per player AdventureRooms Roma presenta: YORU'S BLOOD MOON In the middle of the night, as you enter the shadows of an ancient Japanese sanctuary, the…
2 Player 3 Player 4+ Player 30 € 23 € 20 € Price per player AdventureRooms presenta: GATE 31 AdventureRooms presents: LOST IN TIME Time travelling is without a doubt…
3 Players 4 – 8 Players 23 € 20 € Prezzo a persona iva inclusa AdventureRooms Roma presents: The Bunker You ended up venturing a little too far into the…
2 Players 3 Players 4 - 5 Players 6 - 12 Players 25 € 23€ 20 € 18€ Price per person AdventureRooms Arezzo presents: MAD SCIENTIST The Mad Scientist has…
2 Players 3 Players 4+ Players 30 € 23 € 20€ Price per person AdventureRooms Roma presents: ASYLUM That old mental clinic had to be abandoned for years, but has…
2 Players 3 Players 4 - 5 Players 20 € 17,5 € 15 € Price per person AdventureRooms Roma presents: TOY FACTORY The old toy factory has gone into disuse…
3 Players 4 - 12 Players 23 € 20 € Price per person AdventureRooms Roma presents: ALCATRAZ A new fantastic experience by AdventureRooms! You are expert in security of prison…